Hirdaya Workshops


Hirdaya is the kind of teacher we have all been looking for on our personal journey - she brings love, wisdom, humour, compassion and real life grit to every Satsang session.  She models the ‘way’ and yet is completely supportive without judgment as each of us realizes our own path.  If you are looking for real understanding or to go deeper with your practice, I highly recommend Hirdaya and her Satsang teaching.
Scott Orth


These unique workshops have been designed to bring the simple, freeing philosophy of meditation alive. Selected topics, writings, or scriptures provide added dynamic fuel for inspired inquiry and discussion, creating an atmosphere of lightness and inner peace.

All workshops can be tailored to your specific needs. I can create a workshop for any topic of your choice not found below.

Contact me with inquiries or to create a workshop.


New Workshops

The Power of Choice: How to Choose Freedom in Your Life
We are never helpless, bound, or limited, and our intelligence contains all the potential to rise above fear and worry. Through inspiring inquiry, examination and meditation, the doubtful intellect becomes clear and decisive. Therefore, we can make confident decisions based on the guiding power of our true Self.  This empowering workshop offers a wealth of knowledge and techniques to access the power to choose freedom in every moment, and live with clarity, happiness, and ease!

Conquering Negativity
We all experience negativity in our lives and wish it weren’t there. We do what we can to change or remove it, but it seems to be a recurring phenomenon! This delightful workshop offers practical techniques for conquering negativity so you can live freely, happily, and positively!

Master the Mind: Anatomy of Desire and Perfect Satisfaction
When we get what we want, we are happy; when we don’t get what we want, we are unhappy. We pursue our desire thinking it will bring us freedom, yet more desires arise creating only temporary satisfaction. Without realizing it, we are on a never-ending wheel. There is a way to be free, so we can live the perfect satisfaction that is our true nature.  This fascinating and freeing workshop uses yogic understanding and wisdom to examine the fundamental function and root of the mind. In an atmosphere of lightness, we unleash the power that lies within, to master the mind and live freely in perfect satisfaction.

The Free State of Mind: Patanjali Wisdom Workshops
Liberation: The First 4 Verses
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Patanjali Yog Darshan) are well known as a thorough road map of the yogi’s path to Self Realization. The first four verses, or sutras, contain the essential freeing knowledge to undo the knot of the mind. Understanding these sutras lifts the aspirant out of the mixture of consciousness and matter that creates bondage and suffering, resulting in the clear, liberated state of mind that is the goal of yogic practice. We will examine the nature and functioning of the human mind: its obvious forgetful power of moving outward towards objective reality, and its hidden masterful power of moving inward to the source of the mind, where it rests in its own liberated state. With gentle ease, we will learn to use the knowledge of these verses to awaken our own inward power of the mind to reach the source of the mind—pure, free and peaceful.

Liberation of the Mind: Practicing Patanjali in Your Life
Understanding the mind through the main themes offered in Patanjali Yog Darshan lifts the aspirant out of the mixture of consciousness and matter that creates bondage and suffering, resulting in the clear, liberated state of mind that is the goal of yogic practice. Through a discussion of some of the major themes presented in Patanjali Yog Darshan, we will examine the nature and functioning of the human mind: its obvious forgetful power of moving outward towards objective reality, and its hidden masterful power of moving inward to the source of the mind, where it rests in its own liberated state. With gentle ease, we will learn to practice the knowledge of Patanjali’s clear, practical roadmap of the mind to awaken our own inward power of the mind to reach the source of the mind—pure, free and peaceful.

The Power of Thought: Be the Master
As a human being, your mind is filled with changing thoughts of all kinds. You notice that the thoughts have power, like an electrical charge – some thoughts are uplifting, some thoughts are not. You notice, too, that thoughts can’t easily be controlled, and that too often the less uplifting thoughts prevail. Being master of your thoughts isn’t about controlling them, because thoughts cannot be controlled; it is about having the power to consciously observe your thoughts and choose those thoughts that will best serve you and your environment .Every thought is a vibration, and thus we all live in a vibrational field according to what thoughts are projected into our world. In this workshop, we will explore and imbibe various techniques for unfolding the power to choose your thoughts masterfully and create a vibrational field filled with freedom and fulfillment for yourself and your world.

Conquering Doubt
The story in everyone's head is full of concerns, worries and doubts. It’s no one’s fault, it’s just because the human mind is doubtful by nature. Doubt robs us of our inherent power and makes us weak in both thought and action. But doubt can be conquered, unleashing the power to think and act with clarity and decisiveness, and the happiness that comes when we access and apply that power.  With lightness, this workshop offers an in-depth understanding of the mind with user-friendly techniques to apply for conquering doubt. The result is your own doubtless power – accessible, and easy to apply in your daily life.

Living with Grace
We’ve all experienced those magical, timeless moments that seem to dawn from nowhere, like an unexpected blessing. Suddenly everything clicks into place, everything is known to be perfect, and we are flooded with supreme well-being. This mysterious, miraculous dimension can be invoked, and we can live in the sunshine of grace every day. Rooted in the depth of timeless wisdom, love, and mastery, this celebratory workshop offers techniques for bringing this state of grace into your life.

Purification of the Intellect
Our body houses the inner mechanism of the ego-intellect, and this inner mechanism functions according to its inherent sense of duality. The basis of all authentic yogic practice from time immemorial has been the deeper study and understanding of the dualistic function of the intellect, and learning how to transform its binding nature into freedom-  this is the purification of the intellect. This inspiring workshop brings the purification of the intellect alive, through easily accessible techniques to apply and live it in your daily life.

The Power of Highest Love on the Path of Self Realization
We are made of love. Love is our true nature, and we can live and express it powerfully in our lives. Instead of the fitful happiness and unhappiness of the human experience, it is entirely possible to experience the unbroken happiness of highest love, known as bhakti in the yogic tradition. Human love is based on the sense of ‘you and me’ – otherness; the path of bhakti, or devotion, is filled with a special kind of knowledge – the pure and clear knowledge of the heart that never divides or separates. In this workshop, we study and understand the difference between human and divine love. Through the inspiration of devotional writings and chants, we tap into our own state of bhakti or highest love, filling our hearts and minds with peace, thus radiating supreme love and happiness to ourselves and our world.

The Free State of Mind: Patanjali’s Second Sutra
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Patanjali Yog Darshan) are well known as a thorough road map of the yogi’s path to Self Realization. The second verse, or sutra, contains the essential freeing knowledge to undo the knot of the mind. Understanding this sutra lifts the aspirant out of the mixture of consciousness and matter that creates bondage and suffering, resulting in the clear, liberated state of mind that is the goal of yogic practice. As we study and discuss a special writing on the depth and subtlety of  this sutra,  we will examine the nature and functioning of the human mind: its obvious forgetful power of moving outward towards objective reality, and its hidden masterful power of moving inward to the source of the mind, where it rests in its own liberated state. With gentle ease, we will learn to use the knowledge of this verse to awaken our own inward power of the mind to reach the source of the mind—pure, free and peaceful.

3-Day Introduction to Meditation Course
This enjoyable and user-friendly introduction to meditation and its simple, freeing philosophy dispels common misconceptions about how meditation is about controlling your thoughts. Practical, easy techniques, higher thinking processes, and personal guidance are offered to help the new meditator begin a practice of his/her own. You will leave the course with all the basics you need to continue living the benefits of meditation in your daily life.

The benefits of meditation include:

  • a sense of inner peace
  • an enhanced perspective
  • removal of worry, anxiety, doubt and confusion
  • a greater capacity to meet the demands of daily life
  • a clearer sense of self

Meditation Teacher Training Intensive for Yoga Teachers/Coaching Professionals/Health Professionals


Classic Workshops

Living Meditation
Beyond the hustle and bustle of our daily life, behind the activity of our mind and senses, is a space of awareness, freedom and bliss that is our own, a space of awareness that has always been our true nature—pure, free and forever—and that can be lived moment to moment. The potential to live this space of freedom and awareness lies within every one of us, like a flower waiting to blossom.

With lightness and contemporary appeal, this unique workshop brings the simple freeing philosophy of meditation alive. It is profoundly relevant to every person’s inner journey, whether you are new to meditation, or have an already established practice of your own. We meet in the joyful dynamism of knowledge, inquiry, meditation and song, releasing all sense of stress and un-clarity in a total flowering of the potential, freedom, energy and well-being that is our true nature.

The benefits of meditation include:

  • a sense of inner peace
  • an enhanced perspective
  • removal of worry, anxiety, doubt and confusion
  • a greater capacity to meet the demands of daily life
  • a clearer sense of self

Bhagavad Gita Wisdom Workshops
The Living Gita
The message and wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita is timeless, potent, and practical, making it highly relevant and contemporary. It takes place on a battlefield, which serves as a metaphor for the struggle between ignorance and knowledge that exists in every person’s mind. This is portrayed through the dialogue between Krishna, the enlightened master, and Arjun, the questioning and doubtful disciple who, over the course of the Gita’s eighteen chapters, experiences a total transformation of his human consciousness into divinity.

Arjun’s predicament is every person’s predicament; and Krishna’s knowledge is every person’s birthright and potential. Therefore, with lightness and contemporary appeal, we will explore the Gita’s message and themes, through interactive discussion and inquiry, emphasizing their personal and universal relevance. We will even learn to chant one or more of the verses in their original Sanskrit. Meditation and chanting are woven into the fabric of the workshop.

The Secret Technique for Freedom in Action: Non-doership in the Gita
Non doership-the technique of remaining free while in action- is one of the Gita's most important signature themes. All of us encounter the challenges of remaining free while acting, interacting, and even not acting in our daily lives. Through interactive discussion and inquiry, this workshop light heartedly explores the Gita's liberating knowledge and practical techniques of non-doership, unfolding a sense of mastership in the field of action, based on the peace, equanimity, wisdom and freedom that is yours when you tap into freedom from doership. We may learn to chant one or more of the verses in their original Sanskrit. Meditation and chanting are woven into the fabric of the workshop.

How to Live in Freedom: The Four Life-Paths of the Gita

  • Action
  • Knowledge
  • Devotion
  • Meditation

Meditation Warrior Workshops
Three Essential Ingredients in Your Practice
This workshop will explore three of the essential ingredients for living a life of clarity, free from confusion, worry, and doubt, focusing on understanding and applying these techniques for yourself and in your daily life.

  • Vivek
    How to live with a clear mind—without fear, worry, and doubt—through using the intellect for effective discrimination.
  • Vichaar
    Applying the power of thought decisively to live your full potential.
  • Vairaagya
    How to see through illusion and live with freedom in the world, unlimited by the sense that anything or anyone can bind you.

Using Vichaar, the Technique of Realization
As a person living in the world, you can to do all that which all human beings have been doing, yet you can add one more pursuit, which is the practice of vichaar. Vichaar is the practice of tapping into the power of higher thinking to remain connected to your own true source, letting it irrigate your body, your mind, and your life with peace and well being.

Liberating Knowledge Workshops
The Supreme Technique for Peace of Mind and freedom from Illusion
Everyone wants to be at peace and everyone wants to be happy because peace and happiness are our true nature! How can we live with peace and happiness? Why does our sense of peace and happiness so often seem covered by uneasiness? What is real and what is illusion?

With lightness and contemporary appeal, this workshop answers these questions in the unique atmosphere of satsang , with techniques that unfold the clarity, freedom and peace that we are. Through inquiry, interactive discussion, chanting and meditation, we pierce through the veils of illusory understanding with the vision of oneness, bringing power and clarity to your own practice, whether you are new to the journey or an already seasoned traveler.

The Power of Perspective: The Supreme Technique to Transform Your Vision
Within each of us is the power to deal with all of life’s challenges with wisdom, grace, and clarity. This power can be accessed directly through the illuminating perspective of Self-knowledge. It can be easily applied in our own lives to create peace, happiness, and freedom from worry and helplessness.

Through inquiry, interactive discussion, chanting and meditation, this workshop explores techniques to transform our viewpoint from its natural sense of division to one of unity— unfolding the power and ability to translate that vision into action.

Transform your View
We have the power to change our negative thinking that does not satisfy us into the view which is the view of our own Self. The knowledge based on this thinking of our true reality brings about immense prosperity and well being.

This workshop blends contemporary yogic philosophy and techniques for practical application to shed light on how we think, what works for us and what doesn’t, helping to shift and reshape our thinking habits so that they are based in Self awareness, freedom, and happiness.

Expand your Perspective
Our perspective is our viewpoint – the place from where we see ourselves, the people in our life, and the world. Our conclusions are based on our perspective, and often our conclusions are limited, incomplete, and don’t work to support ourselves. Our perspective can be expanded by understanding who we are and what the world is. Our perspective can be expanded to the dimension of the Seer that we are, which is unchanging, free, and all knowing.

Through inquiry, interactive discussion, chanting and meditation, this workshop offers techniques to expand the mind’s limited perspective to a vision of peace and clarity, unfolding the power and ability to translate that expanded vision into action.

Freedom Techniques
Our true nature is freedom. We are born free, and we know we are free as a child. As we grow older, and our body and mind develops, our innate sense of freedom gets covered and forgotten, and we don’t know how to remove it and get back to our original freedom. This creates uneasiness, stress, and anxiety in our minds and bodies. The ancient yogis studied and understood this phenomenon of forgetfulness and its effects, and formulated numerous highly effective time-tested techniques to open the space of freedom in the human mind and nervous system, reuniting the mind with its original blissful state of freedom.

Through inquiry, interactive discussion, chanting and meditation, this workshop offers you some of these techniques to uncover, revive, and reunite you with your original freedom, so that you can live it fully and happily in your daily life.

Life Cycles Workshops
Awakening to your Self in Mid Life
A special workshop designed to offer knowledge, clarity and techniques to those who reach mid life and feel their life direction altering, who have questions that they may be conscious of, or a general sense of inquiry, curiosity, and/or openness to meditation and its liberating knowledge.

Mastermind: Meditation for Teens
Being a teenager is a unique time. The mind and intellect emerge in a whole new way that makes it appear as if the freedom you experienced in childhood has gotten lost or covered. This is the time when you need knowledge and understanding of what this mind is and how to master it. And this is the best time of your life to start, because the clarity and power of inner peace and awareness that you tap into through meditation will be your best friend and guide in everything you do. Freedom is your true nature and it’s right there within you, waiting for you to live it as a master!

Chanting Workshops

Learn Gita verses or stotrams in Sanskrit, simple chants in Hindi, or anything that appeals to you.

Kirtan Chanting Sessions
Chanting sessions are simple kirtan style, focusing on lightness, joy, and ease.